

Sai Baba asked for Dakshina (an offering) to purify the hearts of the devotees, to teach them charity and to fulfill their forgotten vows. Every day he distributed the whole amount to the poor before sunset. He said that offering did not mean ‘coins’ but Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (patience).
Dakshina is an offering based on trust, on faith in God. A well-known expression is that a devotee should never go to his God or Guru empty-handed.

Those who have reached the ultimate state of perfection have no more desires. They will therefore rarely ask for Dakshina or accept Dakshina. In the early days, Sai Baba did not accept Dakshina from anyone. If someone left something in the Masjid as an offering, he would not touch the offering. It was taken away by others.
Later Sai Baba did accept Dakshina to allow devotees to fulfill their solemn vows and to purify their karma. Whatever the reason for a devotee to give Dakshina, Baba never rejected it. “I accept nothing for nothing. Whatever I receive, I return it tenfold and take the devotee further on the path of knowledge.”

To cover the monthly maintenance of the Mandir we would like to have active members who are willing to donate € 50,00 monthly. In this way monthly maintenance of the Mandir is assured.

Stichting Shirdi Sai Baba Foundation
RABO Bank IBAN: NL55RABO0302177248
Because of ANBI status of the Mandir your donation can be deducted from your tax.

OM Sai Ram,
Etienne Premdani (Founder/President)